Every episode of HHE is transcribed.
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100. Something Somewhere Sometime
DEC. 12, 2024
It’s a milestone moment—Pete and Ryan celebrate their 100th episode of History Happened Everywhere! With all of history and the whole world to explore, where will their journey take them? From sun-soaked islands to a hidden mountain town, they uncover tales of banana empires, rum-soaked escapades, and even encounters with packs of hungry wolves. Don’t miss this special celebratory episode!
99. Law Enforcement in Moldova during 1455-1487
NOV. 13, 2024
Stop! In the name of the podcast! Pete and Ryan are laying down the law on 15th-century Moldavia. Was Stephen so great, or did he have a few skeletons in his court? Join us as we arrest the quirks of medieval justice, judge the man behind the crown, and find out why handcuffs and marriage came hand-in-hand. It's a criminally good time you won't want to miss!
98. Parenthood in Libya during 1492-1898
OCT. 17, 2024
Pete and Ryan head off to Libya to discover the topic of parenting. Learn how the nation mobilised against attack by Darth Vader, discover the remarkable ups and downs of the murderous Karamanli family, and find out why you might find a lot of White Fathers in North Africa.
97. Darkness in Venezuela during 1967
AUG. 12, 2024
We’re off to discover darkness in Venezuela during 1967. Discover the beauty of the land and the people. Find out the makes Venezuela a fount of beauty, experience the terror of a temblor in the dark of night, and meet the Amazonian tribe at the heart of an ongoing anthropological argument.
96. Botany in Costa Rica during 1603-1868 CE
AUG. 16, 2024
Pete and Ryan have a root around Costa Rica to discover the wonder of plants. Discover the world’s most dangerous tree. Trek to the volcanic home of the ancient and mighty Kapok. And find out why some folk in Costa Rica might expect someone to spit in their beer!
94. Magic in Burundi during WW2
JUN. 27, 2024
This week Pete and Ryan head to central Africa to uncover tales of magic in Burundi. Find out why you shouldn’t go swimming in Burundi, and why going for a jog might cause a run-in with the police. Meet the doctor whose wartime mercy mission to Africa saved countless lives. And discover the sound of the sacred drums of Burundi which might, when you listen, sound strangely familiar.
93. Euros Special: Scotland and Poland
Jun. 13, 2024
In this Euros special it’s a game of two halves as Pete and Ryan take to the podcast pitch to talk football. Discover the desert in Poland and learn about their least likely fan, plus find out what it takes to be a kit provider to the national team. And learn how 15 minutes of football was all it took to make Scottish sporting history.
92. Painting in Oman during 2007 to 2009
MAY. 30, 2024
Ryan and Pete head to the Middle East to draw up an episode on Painting in Oman during 2007 to 2009. We meet a pair of painters who talk about their artistic journeys to the area, and uncover the ancient graffiti that goes back thousands of years but also features some modern topics that might surprise you.
91. Bigger than an Elephant in London between 509 to 27BCE
MAY. 16, 2024
Pete and Ryan join forces to discover things Bigger than an Elephant in London during 509 to 27 BCE. Find out why a drunken elephant is best avoided. Learn to build your own hill-fort using bits of animals. And discover the bigger-than-an-elephant-sized boat that turned the tide of British history.
90. Peace in Africa during the Jurassic
MAY. 2, 2024
Pete takes Ryan to Africa during the Jurassic in search of peace, but will he find it? Learn how to tell the time on a molecular clock, discover the lizard-mammal that wasn’t, and find out why paleantologists can’t stop looking at the legs of one particular gigantic dinosaur.